Interactively Critiquing LLMs by Converting Feedback into Principle— Conclusion and References

24 Jan 2024


(1) Savvas Petridis, Google Research, New York, New York, USA;

(2) Ben Wedin, Google Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA;

(3) James Wexler, Google Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA;

(4) Aaron Donsbach, Google Research, Seattle, Washington, USA;

(5) Mahima Pushkarna, Google Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA;

(6) Nitesh Goyal, Google Research, New York, New York, USA;

(7) Carrie J. Cai, Google Research, Mountain View, California, USA;

(8) Michael Terry, Google Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Table Of Links

Abstract & Introduction

Related Work

Formative Study

Constitution Maker


User Study



Conclusion and References


This paper presents ConstitutionMaker, a tool for interactively refining LLM outputs by converting users’ intuitive feedback into principles. ConstitutionMaker’s design is informed by a formative study, where we also collected and classified the types of principles users wanted to write. ConstitutionMaker incorporates three principle-elicitation features: kudos, critique, and rewrite. In a user study with 14 industry professionals, participants felt that ConstitutionMaker helped them (1) write principles that effectively guided the chatbot, (2) convert their feedback into principles more easily, and (3) write principles more efficiently, with (4) less mental demand than the baseline. This was due to ConstitutionMaker supporting their thought processes, including helping them to: identify ways to improve the bot’s responses, convert their intuition into verbal feedback, and phrase their feedback as specific principles. There are many avenues of future work, including supporting users in iterating on and clarifying their principles, organizing larger sets of principles and supporting multiple writers, and helping users test chatbots across multiple user journeys. Together, these findings inform future tools that support interactively customizing LLM outputs.


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